January Update: Our Top 5 Videos from Last Month

In January we saw jaywalkers and jay-bikers, falling telephone poles and strange skateboarding. Take a look at some of the craziest moments shared by our users.
Each month, we give you the videos captured by Nexar’s users that created the biggest reactions in the community. Some are just for fun, while others present serious safety concerns. In the case of the latter, we’ll discuss how a community of drivers equipped with Nexar can help.
1. Cyclist runs red light
Another great example of why dash cams are so important. Please stay safe and alert out on the roads, especially at night!
2. Motorcyclist hits jaywalker
Unfortunately, this sort of life-threatening incident can happen when jaywalking meets speeding motorcyclist meets bad-friend-encouraging-you-to-rush-across-the-street.
3. New style of skateboarding
Just for fun. You never know what you’ll capture while driving with Nexar. We’ve seen it all.
4. Crane truck topples street light onto car
Just when your jammed-up morning commute couldn’t get worse, a truck topples a streetlight, which smashes into the roof of your car. What would you do?
Here’s where the power of a community of drivers with dash cams really shines. The Nexar user who recorded this video sent it to us, and we forwarded it to an Israeli news program. They were later able to locate the victim and he was invited on TV for an interview. The good news? He’s unharmed, and now has dash cam footage to use as evidence in his legal proceedings.
This is just one of the many ways Nexar can make the lives of drivers safer and easier, including…
5. Our Forward collision warnings in action
Check out our forward collision warnings, which are preventing accidents on the road every day.
You can download Nexar for iPhone or Android. Happy February, and be safe out there!