Automotive Edge Model: Lessons learned from legacy V2V and V2C

Automotive Edge Model: Lessons learned from legacy V2V and V2C

AECC recently published an architecture whitepaper [] for mobility & connected cars - "Distributed Computing in an AECC System". As Nexar is a part of the AECC, we’re excited to take in part in this architecture and share the highlights of this whitepaper.

Helping make Ohio’s roads safer

Helping make Ohio’s roads safer

In the last 10 years, there have been almost 60,000 road incidents involving work zones in Ohio, with more than 14,000 of them resulting in either injuries or fatalities. Last year was the worst year for work zone crashes [] resulting

A new look for Nexar

A new look for Nexar

Nexar was founded on a mission to create a safe-driving network that lets you see everything coming on the road ahead. When you pair a Nexar-powered dash camera with our app, you join this network, which uses artificial intelligence to spot upcoming hazards and alert those in the surrounding area.

Introducing BDD100K: The World’s Largest Driving Dataset

Introducing BDD100K: The World’s Largest Driving Dataset

At Nexar, we invest a lot of time in learning about the world’s roads, driver behavior and what happens on the road on a daily basis. That’s because we are building a safe driving network and understanding our roads is an important step in creating a reality with no car collisions.

“Data is the new oil”

“Data is the new oil”

Why the race for data ownership is the new driving force of the automotive industry. Yesterday Intel & Mobileye announced that Mobileye will be acquired by Intel for over $15B, an announcement that made waves, given its sheer size and importance, not just for the Israeli tech ecosystem, where Intel

Data Collection Obsession: The Key to Disrupting the Automotive Industry?

Data Collection Obsession: The Key to Disrupting the Automotive Industry?

As we sail through the vast technological oceans of 2023, decision-makers across the globe are contemplating how the formidable blend of generative AI and big data is instigating a revolution in the automotive sector. Today, we’re retracing the incredible progress made in the domains of big data, deep learning,

Monetizing Alt Data Products, Part 1

Monetizing Alt Data Products, Part 1

The market for Alternative Data has evolved dramatically in recent years for both buyers and sellers. I’ve been fortunate to witness this movement first hand at three separate companies. Though each was leveraging differentiated data & processes, the challenges were similar. I’m constantly reminded of these lessons as

Nexar Mobility Report (V2)

Nexar Mobility Report (V2)

A few weeks ago we published our first mobility report. We’re back with more interesting data! To download the entire report please go here [] To download the entire report please go here [] The increase in driving activity across our

The impact of coronavirus on rideshare driving activity in NYC

The impact of coronavirus on rideshare driving activity in NYC

For the governments, scientists, and medical workers leading us through this global health crisis, real-time data has never been more critical. Data like the exact number and location of tests, hospital beds, and ventilators can save time and lives. For the public officials serving our communities, real-time data is similarly

My Job is Keeping Your Data Safe

My Job is Keeping Your Data Safe

My name is Tony and I spend a lot of time thinking about data protection and privacy- that’s because I am Nexar’s Chief of Information Security. Before joining Nexar, I worked in information security in various fields for both large companies and small startups. I have worked in

Traffic Won’t Go Away With Autonomous Cars

Traffic Won’t Go Away With Autonomous Cars

Traffic in Beijing. Fu Ding / For China DailyWe all feel it — traffic is getting worse and worse. Congestion periods have slowly expanded beyond commute times and become an all-day phenomenon. Our commute gets longer and longer with every passing year. In previous posts, we discussed how long it’ll take

IoT Needs Edge Compute, and More Than You May Think

IoT Needs Edge Compute, and More Than You May Think

The First Internet The computer industry of the 1980s was based on a simple premise. It saw continuous hardware improvements that led to exponential growth in computation capabilities. This made it worthwhile to create high-value software. A decade later, in the 1990s, the Internet and HTTP became mainstream, computers connected

COVID-19 Nexar Mobility Report

COVID-19 Nexar Mobility Report

Over 50-thousand commuter and professional drivers across the US utilize Nexar’s intelligent, connected dash cam system, capturing over 60-million miles per month. Nexar extracts and refines the dash cam footage using advanced AI and combines it with mobility data to deliver meaningful, real-time insights with supporting ground-level imagery. In

Nexar’s Street-Level Anonymization

Nexar’s Street-Level Anonymization

Leveraging data to protect our users’ privacy Matan Friedmann is a Senior Research Scientist at Nexar where he works on difficult research problems.

The Sustainable Use of Big Data and AI at Nexar: Our Ethical Pledge

The Sustainable Use of Big Data and AI at Nexar: Our Ethical Pledge

The Nexar Mobility Network has the potential to become a key component of the world’s present and future, making transport and mobility both safer and more efficient. This network will become an essential part of our lives and will provide the same level of welfare we see in other

Your Privacy Matters: Nexar’s Approach to the GDPR

Your Privacy Matters: Nexar’s Approach to the GDPR

At Nexar, data privacy, security, and transparency are all part of our company culture. That’s why we welcome the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will come into effect on May 25th, 2018. The GDPR replaces the European Union’s Data Protection Directive and is a comprehensive approach